According to international health authority the cardio vascular diseases responsible over 17 million deaths annually around the world. In India, the death toll due to Heart attack is alarming after Covid Pandemic. According to the recent survey data of NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau ) heart related fatality of about 34 % of total deaths, spanning at different age groups, includes those ages below 14 old .  Heart attack can be controlled by change in lifestyle such as eating diet rich low  fat high fibre food, quitting smoking, engaging in physical Exercise, managing blood pressure stress and sugar level, limiting alcohol consumption.

Heart attack:

The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood and nutrient throughout the body via arteries. A heart attack occurs when heart experience a shortage of blood supply to the heart, which may be due to blockage in arteries. The blockage may be due to fat built up, calcium deposits. The common risk factors for heart attacks are higher blood pressure, high cholesterol, high mental stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and modern life style. The interruption of blood flow to heart may lead to fatal outcomes.

chest pain
Chest pain


According to National Crime Record Bureau the Deaths due to heart attack in India is increases steadily over the years.

Source :NCRB

Symptoms for Heart attack:

  • Chest pain
  • pain radiating to the shoulder, left forearm, stomach, back part, lower jaw pain
  • cold sweating  
  • neck pain
  • sensation of vomiting
  • shortness of breathing (difficulty in breathing)
  • Heart palpitation or the wrong heartbeats like horse race
  • Dizziness

Risk factors for heart attack:

Several risk factors contribute of heart attack, which may include

  • High cholesterol
  • High Blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Family inheritance of heart diseases
  • Smoking
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Unhealthy diet habbit
  • High mental stress

High cholesterol:

 Low-density-Lipoprotein LDL (bad cholesterol) should be below the desired level of 100 mg/DL (milligrams/deciliters) which is deciding factor for heart attack. High LDL level leads to risk of heart attack

High-Density Lipoprotein HDL (good cholesterol) :  The HDL is should be higher than 40 mg/dL for normal individuals. Falling below the desired level of 40mg/dL is also a  risk factor for heart attacks.

High blood pressure:

  The elevated blood pressure increases in risk of heart attacks.


The Body mass index (BMI)plays important role for heart attack. A higher BMI indicates increased risk.  

Body Mass Index=weight in kgs/square of height in metre, result in underweight, healthy weight, overweight, obesity.

Higher BMI is risk for heart attack

  • Underweight is when BMI of 18.4 and below
  • Healthy is when BMI of 18.5 to 22.9
  • Overweight is when BMI of 23 to 27.4
  • Obese is when BMI of 27.5 or more

First Aid and immediate response:

In the event of heart attack, prompt action is crucial. Check the person for breathing and pulse, do Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if person is unconscious and if necessary. Perform CPR by a trained person according to trained protocols. Promptly rush to hospital within one hour as it is important for treatment. The first aid that may be given which include                                                               

  • Ask the person to sit comfortably, free ventilation to facilitate breathing , make them to feel free and calm , to avoid fear of heart attack by talking with them comfort words
  • If the person is experiencing heart attack is conscious and not allergic to Aspirin, provide full strength Aspirin tablet and chew slowly. Aspirin help to prevent blood clotting.
  • If person is alone, avoid going to hospital alone. Seek assistance from neighbours or from emergency services
  • If person is taking medicine already, same medicine can be given
  • Perform CPR according to the trained protocols ,if the person is unconscious and if necessary.
  • Do not delay treatment , avoid delay in seeking medical assistance.

Preventive measures and empowering healthier lifestyles

Implementing change in life style significantly reduce risk of heart attack. The measures include

  • By taking diet rich food like low fat high fibrous food, taking vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts, avoid sugar, oil and limiting ultra processed food
  • Proper engaging in physical exercise like walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, running and other aerobic exercises 150-minutes exercise per week reduce the risk by 10 to 20%
  • Quitting smoking which significantly decrease the risk of heart attack.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Maintaining blood pressure below 130/80 mm of Hg , as recomended
  • Practicing stress-reducing activities such as  yoga to reduce the mental stress
  • Ensure quality Sleep of 6-8 hour per night is important
  • Monitoring and Controlling blood sugar level to reduce risk of heart attack
  • Undergoing regular heart check-ups for early detection and prevention of heart attack

Conclusion: By implementing preventive method individual can prevent risk of heart attack, and it is essential to share this information to your friends and relatives and to help save life.